
Interesting book about the life of a young woman who had a desire to be a nurse. She enlisted in the army and twists and turns that she went through are very unreal. All in all she did not let anything stop her from fulfilling her dreams. Patti Brown

When you think about the Armed Forces, the first image that comes to me is a young man dressed in uniform. It is totally amazing to read this book and all the issues Tonya (TanktheNurse) has encountered in her life. I can’t imagine being a young woman in the Army at the age of 19 and all the things she went through and still served her country and still is serving so many individuals. A wonderful, eye-opening book about this beautiful woman serving her country. A must read. Sandy Brown-Deramus

Tonya is known to be a light for those in troubling times and as unstoppable as the tank in which she drove. She bravely served her country for 11 ½ years and now serves her community through her healing hands as a holistic nurse. Ahmaad Fields

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The Trials and Triumphs from the Journey of a Female Army Sergeant in Desert Storm

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